Ziran (Josh) Ding

Senior Economist CEFER
Bank of Lithuania

Research Affiliate
Kaunas University of Technology






Totoriu g. 4,
CEFER, Bank of Lithuania
LT-01121 Vilnius


Firm Heterogeneity, Variable Markups, and Multinational Production: A Review from Trade Policy Perspective
( Journal of Economic Surveys 36(5), 1311-1357 (2022), also available as Bank of Lithuania WP No. 92 )

Working Papers

Optimal Tariff with Firm Heterogeneity, Variable Markups, and FDI
Available as Bank of Lithuania WP No. 99

Variable markups and multinational production have gathered considerable attention in the trade literature because of their empirical prevalence and welfare implications. This paper studies the welfare implication of tariffs and optimal tariffs in an environment that features firm heterogeneity, variable markups, and FDI. I find: (i) Tariffs endogenously affect firm entry level, producing different comparative statics in the short-run versus long-run. (ii) Variable markups generate multiple externalities in this economy, causing market outcome to differ from the socially optimum outcome systematically. Permitting tariff-jumping FDI can lower the domestic cutoff levels and reduces the misallocation in the economy. (iii) Free trade is not always socially optimal. If the domestic marginal cost cutoff is sufficiently high, a positive tariff can be welfare-improving since it encourages firm entry. The Nash equilibrium tariff level will also be higher than the socially optimal tariff. (iv) The interaction of variable markup and FDI generates novel welfare implications that are absent if consumers possess CES preference.

The Dynamics of Product and Labor Market Power: Evidence from Lithuania
joint with Jose Garcia-Louzao, and Valentin Jouvanceau
Available as Bank of Lithuania WP No. 118, CESifo WP No. 10883

This paper characterizes the power dynamics of firms in both product and labor markets in Lithuania between 2004 and 2018. We first show that both markets are not perfectly competitive, as both price markups and wage markdowns are far from unitary and homogeneous. Interestingly, we unveil that the dynamics of these margins followed different patterns. On the one hand, both the dispersion and the economy-wide markup have increased, indicative of an increase in product market power. On the other hand, we document a decline in monopsony power, as both the heterogeneity and the aggregate level of markdowns have declined. Altogether, our results underline the importance of jointly analyzing product and labor markets when assessing firms' market power.

Mergers and Acquisitions Over the Cycle-An Empirical Investigation
joint with Benjamin Hemingway
Available as Bank of Lithuania DP No. 35

Using US firm-level data from 1985-2019, this paper investigates how the characteristics of matches between acquirers and targets of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) vary over the business cycle. We document several findings. (1) Acquirers are on average larger, more profitable, and in a stronger financial position than targets. (2) Targets are more innovative than acquirers, and (3) M&A targets during a recession have worse financial health but higher levels of innovation compared to M&A targets in booms. Our empirical evidence suggests that an economy may benefit from an economy may benefit from adjusting its antitrust stance over the business cycle.

Work in Progress

Dynamic Effects of Industrial Policies Amidst Geoeconomic Tensions
joint with Adam Hal Spencer, and Zinan Wang

The Heterogeneous Impact of Firm Upgrading on Energy Use
joint with Mustapha Douch, and Povilas Lastauskas


Discussion of "Monetary Policy and Redistribution in Open Economies"
by Xing Guo, Pablo Ottonello and Diego Perez, NBP-Bank of Lithuania-CEBRA Conference: New Dimensions of Monetary Policy, National Bank of Poland, Warsaw, September 22-23, 2022

Discussion of "Optimal Monetary Policy, Tariff Shocks and Exporter Dynamics"
by Francesco Pappada , Masashige Hamano and Maria Teresa Punzi , 1st Baltic Central Banks Invited Lecture Series and Conference, Bank of Lithuania, Vilnius, May 17-19, 2023